?output=aud (Australia)
?output=eur (Euro)
?output=gbp (Great Britian)
?output=nzd (New Zealand)
?output=usd (United States)
?output=btc (Bitcoin)
&amount=1 (Specify amount to convert, optional, defaults to 1)
&json=1 (Toggle JSON output with 0 or 1, optional, defauls to 1)
?output=ftcaud (Australia)
?output=ftceur (Euro)
?output=ftcgbp (Great Britian)
?output=ftcnzd (New Zealand)
?output=ftcusd (United States)
?output=ftcbtc (Bitcoin)
&amount=1 (Specify amount to convert, optional, defaults to 1)
&json=1 (Toggle JSON output with 0 or 1, optional, defauls to 1)
&amount=1 (Specify amount to convert, optional, defaults to 1)
&amount=1 (Specify amount to convert, optional, defaults to 1)
&json=1 (Toggle JSON output with 0 or 1, optional, defauls to 1)
&address= (Feathercoin address that the QR code will use, mandatory)
&amount= (Specify amount to convert, optional, defaults to 0)
&label= (Specify a label for the address, optional)
Returns the following in JSON
currblk - Current block number
khs - Current Hashrate in Kh/s
retblk - Next retarget block number
blkstoret - Blocks to next retarget
exptimeperblk - Expected time per block
nowdiff - Current difficulty
nextdiff - Expected next difficulty
timetoret - Time to retarget in second
days - Days till next retarget
hours - Hours till retarget after removing days
min - Minutes till retarget after removing hours and days
sec - Seconds till retarget after removing hours, days and minutes
totcm - Total number of Feathercoins